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Study Materials-Commercial/Public/Dealer

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Study Materials for Commercial/Public/Dealer Certification Exams

Order Study Materials to take Commercial/Public/Dealer Certification Exams
3 year certification fees are paid in advance. Exams must be completed by end of calendar year. Base Fee $75.00 + $25.00 each category. Study Materials are sent to you by USPS(UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE).Make sure to provide a PO Box if applicable.


Introductory Basic Core Online Training + Study Material Order

Introductory Basic Core Online Training + Study Materials for Commercial Certification Exams
This training is for those who are brand new to pesticide certification. This product includes 30+ hours of video materials to view on your own. 3 year certification fees are paid in advance. Introductory Basic Core Fee $30.00 + Base Fee $75.00 + $25.00 each category
